Steller Systems Ltd (“the Company”) was placed into administration on 29 October 2024 and Benjamin Jones and Rajnesh Mittal were appointed as Joint Administrators. The affairs, business and property of the Company are being managed by the Administrators who act as agents of the Company without personal liability.

Should you have any queries, please contact Monika Olajcova at FRP Advisory Trading Limited at

Spartan – An Innovative Light Frigate Design for Type 31e / General Purpose Frigate

Friday, February 10th, 2017

Bow shot new number
















Steller Systems is looking forward to the upcoming publication this spring of the National Ship Building Strategy, in response to Sir John Parker’s November 2016 report.  This called for a “sea change” in naval procurement and a “modern and innovative design” for Type 31e, also known as General Purpose Frigate (GPFF).  Our innovative design, Project Spartan, is a configurable, modular, survivable, affordable and exportable ship, that will meet the requirements for Type 31e whilst also being a highly attractive proposition to export markets.  We have focussed on packing as much UK industrial capability and UK equipment into an attractive package, benefitting the Royal Navy and the UK as a whole.

For more details of our design, please see our brochure.


Background image: © Steller Systems 2017

Steller Systems Ltd (“the Company”) was placed into administration on 29 October 2024 and Benjamin Jones and Rajnesh Mittal were appointed as Joint Administrators. The affairs, business and property of the Company are being managed by the Administrators who act as agents of the Company without personal liability.

Should you have any queries, please contact Monika Olajcova at FRP Advisory Trading Limited at